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DisSharp Decompiler Features

  • Inplace Editor

    Double click or press Enter:

    Type new name and press Enter:

    The typical problem with decompilation is the absence of full source information in the executable file. For instance, .NET assembly does not contains names of local variables. Program can automatically assign local names in accordance with their types (what Dis# is really do), but it still too differentiates with the original source.

    Dis# makes next logical step in this direction. You can edit the names and keep the changes in a project file. ( see screenshot )

  • Dis# project file

    Dis# have it's own metadata structure, which expands PE metadata structure with all necessary for decompilation information, such as local variable names. You can save Dis# metadata in the project file (extension .dis) and keep all changes.

  • Decompilation Speed

    Custom metadata provides outstanding decompilation speed, which 25-700 times faster then have other .NET decompilers. Dis# decompiles more then 2000 methods per second.

  • Multiple Languages decompilation

    Support for C#, Visual Basic.NET, Delphi.NET and Chrome.

  • Well formed code

    Dis# generates code, which is look like the human edited. Dis# .net decompiler have many options to adjust code view for your preferences.

  • Optimization

    Dis# optimize code.

  • .NET 2.0 support

    Dis# support .NET 2.0 assembly format, generics etc.

  • Raw Code

    In some cases you have to view raw code (before high level decompilation algorithms processing). ( see screenshot )


Code Tools

  • Deobfuscate

    You can deobfuscate assembly to restore readable names.

  • PDB file

    Dis# extracts names from .PDB file. ( see screenshot ) You can autoload PDB.

  • XML documentation

    Dis# load assembly XML documentation. ( see screenshot ) You can autoload XML DOC.

  • Method calls

    You can view all methods, that calls from the current method, and all methods, that calls current. ( see screenshot )

  • Attribute

    List of types, methods and fields with attribute

Code Options

  • Full qualified/short names

    Short names of types are more typical for the manual created original source. But in some cases you can need to see full qualified names of types (with namespaces). Dis# allows you to choose between these modes and also allows to save code source both in full and short projects.

  • Decimal/Hexadecimal

    You can generate code with decimal or haxadecimal numeric constants on your choice.

  • Other code options

    Unicode Chars, Type Detail, Single Statement Brace and other.

Visual Studio project

    Dis# generates project file for different languages, which is ready to load in Visual Studio.

  • Source files

    Source files are distributed in folders corresponding to their namespaces.

  • AssemblyInfo file

    Dis# creates AssemblyInfo file with all necessary assembly attributes.

  • Resources

    Dis# appends to Visual Studio project all assembly resources.

  • Resx files

    Dis# creates .resx files from resources for .NET forms.

  • Application icon

    Dis# extracts application icon from .exe file.

Pseudo Assembler

    Intermediate Language assembler contains comprehensive information to produce assembly. This redundancy brings to difficulty of perception of assembler code.

    Dis# introduces conception of pseudo assembler (pasm). Pasm intends to view, not to compile. It's main differences of IL assembler are:
  • C# language style method titles.
  • Only significant part of IL code presents.
  • Only those assembler instructions have labels, which are really targets of the branches. Labels have numerical orders.
  • Exception of nonsignificant instructions (such as endfinally).
    ( see screenshot )

Assembly Browser

  • Easy navigate

    You can easy navigate to class member. Select project tree node and press ENTER or double click mouse.

  • Information

    User can see AssemblyInfo, References, Resources and Entry Point of assembly.

  • Outline in different modes

    Public, public + protected, public + protected + internal and full outline class interfaces are available to see.


  • Single/many document interface

    You can view new class/method in the same window or in the new tab page.

  • Auto decompile mode

    You can turn on auto decompilation of methods, when you select method node.

  • Style

    You can select interface style (IDE2005, Office2003 or Plain).


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